“The yoga teacher training hosted at Anamaya and taught by Peter was the most magical and transformative experience I have ever had. Peter teaches with such a great understanding of the human form, helping students discover connections and awaken parts of the body that were previously not accessible. The practical method in which he teaches anatomy is comprehensive and accessible for yogis of all backgrounds. Peter helped me find great length in my practice and discover a deeper understanding of my alignment. I look forward to continuing my studies, keeping in mind all of the life-changing connections (both physically and philosophically) that we discovered throughout the month.”
- Uddannelse/Kurser
Uddannelse og kurser
28 februar, 2025
I dette yogalærer uddannelses forløb
200 t.
LagoYoga, København
- Yoga skema
- Online training
- 21YOGA
- Om os
- Kontakt
- Uddannelse/Kurser
Uddannelse og kurser
28 februar, 2025
I dette yogalærer uddannelses forløb
200 t.
LagoYoga, København
- Yoga skema
- Online training
- 21YOGA
- Om os
- Kontakt
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