“Peter is a very kind and knowledgable instructor. He always remains friendly, compassionate and calm. His YTT is based on body awareness and alignment. You will learn to be your own guide and your movements and poses will never be the same again, neither in yoga class nor in daily life. Your entire body will be perfectly aligned and you will find that there is a whole new quality to the way you interact with your body. You will learn to use your body within healthy parameters, avoiding any possible injuries. Peter’s style of teaching is fairly technical, but his loving and humorous ways will guide you through it with ease. His spiritual teachings are based on the “The Power of Now” and “The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali”, combining ancient Indian wisdom with a modern approach to spirituality. I highly recommend Peter’s YTT to any yogi who strives to gain a deep understanding of his/her body and mind through the practice of the art of yoga.”
- Uddannelse/Kurser
Uddannelse og kurser
28 februar, 2025
I dette yogalærer uddannelses forløb
200 t.
LagoYoga, København
- Yoga skema
- Online training
- 21YOGA
- Om os
- Kontakt
- Uddannelse/Kurser
Uddannelse og kurser
28 februar, 2025
I dette yogalærer uddannelses forløb
200 t.
LagoYoga, København
- Yoga skema
- Online training
- 21YOGA
- Om os
- Kontakt
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Tlf: +45-33110071
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