“I was pointed to this teacher training by a friend who did the same a few years back and told me it was “life changing”. That description proved true for me as well. Peter teaches and guides with compassion and kindness, sharing his wisdom in a way that is digestible and accessible to all. What was most enjoyable was the focus on the deeper practice. We didn’t just learn asanas and sequences that we would go out and regurgitate in some studio class, we learned the alignment, anatomy, and philosophy that support the asana practice. We dove into breathing techniques, meditation, and even the business of yoga. I came into this training thinking I might teach afterwards. I left feeling so excited to continue deepening my knowledge in this arena AND to start sharing it with others. I’d recommend this training to anyone who loves learning, loves practicing, and wants to expand their knowledge of their own self.”
- Uddannelse/Kurser
Uddannelse og kurser
28 februar, 2025
I dette yogalærer uddannelses forløb
200 t.
LagoYoga, København
- Yoga skema
- Online training
- 21YOGA
- Om os
- Kontakt
- Uddannelse/Kurser
Uddannelse og kurser
28 februar, 2025
I dette yogalærer uddannelses forløb
200 t.
LagoYoga, København
- Yoga skema
- Online training
- 21YOGA
- Om os
- Kontakt
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